There many things I have accomplished in this short lifetime. However, there are also several other things I want to do. So my first official blog post for my new blog, I decided to make a bucket list of things I want to accomplish before I was 30 years old.
My 30-Year Bucket List
- Travel to Costa Rica
- Lose 25 pounds
- Pay off all my credit cards
- Pay off my student loans
- Buy a house
- Fly in a hot air balloon
- Learn how to crochet
- Go on a cruise
- Travel to Europe
- Visit Portland, Seattle, Boston, and New York City
- Run a 10K
- Make $50,000 a year at my full-time job
- Visit Greece
That is all I have so far, there’s so many other things I want to accomplish throughout my life, but this seems to be my most pressing activities that I want to finish in the next six years. Is it doable? I’d like to think so. After all, in two years I’ve increased my salary by $10,000, and that doesn’t even include my freelance business, which now makes over $12,000 a year. I want to live a life that is full of doing what I love. I worked so hard to meet my goals and I deserve lifelong happiness. I used to think that life after college meant a life of struggling, middle-class living, and going from paycheck to paycheck, telling my children we are able to take a vacation this year.
However, what I have learned in my 2 1/2 years out of college is that life is whatever you make it out to be. If you accept the fact that you’re only going to make $25,000 every year, then that is what you’ll be making. But if you learn to set goals and focus all your intentions toward those goals coming true, then they will. I’m a big believer in rewarding yourself for hard work in believing in the law of attraction. There have been so many times in my life when I have envisioned or wished for something and I’ve gotten the next day, month, or year. Whenever it happens, I look up and say silent thanks to the universe, because they’ve made all this come true.
The purpose of this blog is to write down my thoughts, including what I do every day and what I’m going to be doing in the future. I hope to document my life so that when I look back I’m happy out what I’ve done and where I’ve been has no regrets. I’m never going to be someone who’s afraid. I will take chances and create my own success. The purpose of this blog is to write down my thoughts, including what I do every day and what I’m going to be doing in the future. I hope to document my life so that when I look back I’m happy out what I’ve done and where I’ve been has no regrets. I’m never going to be someone who’s afraid. I will take chances and create my own success.