Damn you, eBay, for providing such great auctions on genuine NWT (that’s New With Tags for all you eBay virgins) Coach purses. Especially Genuine WT Coach totes that have sequins on them. Before I really knew what was happening, I had bought these beauties for over 66% off:
Yes. Not one, but TWO purses. At least one is brown and one is black? Maybe I can sell one for more than I paid for it? (<—these are what I tell myself to make myself feel better).
(PS I know these aren’t current season, I don’t care.)
(PPS don’t tell me if these aren’t real.)
I’ve wanted a Coach purse for a while now (I’m a label whore, so sue me. That’s what happens when you are used to your clothes coming from Target), so apparently now I have two and will be paying extra on my credit card for the next few months. I wonder if Harry will mind me introducing two gorgeous purses into our bed as extra cuddle buddies?
(PPPS I found the mouse. I caught it and released it in the field about 2 blocks away. It was so cute, but all good things must come to an end, Mr. Mousey.)