Here’s another re-cap piece from Free State Social– Sarah Evans. I was able to attend virtually and didn’t have any technology problems- almost unheard of.
Sarah runs her own business- Sevans Strategy and can be found on Twitter: @prsarahevans She was probably my favorite speaker today. I can’t believe she only started Sevans Strategy 7 months ago! She definitely knows what she’s doing.
Main points/quotes from Sarah’s presentation entitled How to Make Your Brand Stand Out Online
- 31 M us internet users will write blogs in 2010
- 79% of the largest fortune 500 use FB, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
- I want to be viewed as a trusted resource, esp in terms of ways to use online networks and social media to communicate.
- So, what’s your goal?
- Build business
- 9 ways to stand out online
- Find an opportunity to showcase what you do best.
- Hijack a conversation and offer an opportunity to share
- People love building communities
- Meet a need in an innovate way
- #journchat on Twitter
- ID’ed a larger need
- Asked permission
- Innovative
- Evolves
- One pitch- what’s in it for me? Promote yourself
- We’re a community
- #journchat on Twitter
- Generate A LOT of quality content
- Think multimedia- video, photos
- Guest posting- readwriteweb, mashable, etc
- Do it for a good cause- mobilize people around a cause
- #beatcancer—there was no competition because it was an umbrella term
- #crisisovernight
- Give freely, give often
- Don’t worry that people won’t use you just because you explain what you do
- Share, acknowledge, give
- Tips, tricks, and tools
- Trade secrets
- Retweet, like,comment,post
- Self-promote
- Read your feeds, respond, jump in
- Think like those you’re trying to reach.
- In the US our relationship with news is portable, personalized, and participatory
- Get sourced…a lot
- Sign up for
- Follow journalists online
- Identify story opportunities where you are best source and pitch them
- Focus on media, bloggers, and online influencers
- Use pitchengine for your releases
- Look at localized trends on Twitter and go after local outlets
- What else? Has this sparked any ideas?
- Aggregate content in order to stand out online.
- Take it offline- do one on ones
- Translate news and how it applies to them.
- Share people. Connect people to people.
- How do you manage your message? You can’t, but you can start it.
Check out my other re-caps from Free State Social!