I hate when you eat too much of one type of food, and then your tummy hurts…a lot. I went a little nuts today with the food and eating, and had 4 pieces of wedding cake, leftover spaghetti, animal crackers, and a ton a pringles (which let to the tummy-ache). It doesn’t sound like a lot of food, but I think I overate a lot of each and now I feel just plain crappy.
Another thing that occurred to me is the fact that I don’t even remember the last time I drank water besides at night when I’m taking my vitamins. I’ve definitely been on a pop and milk-only binge and I’m sure that’s not helping with the whole tummyache thing. I have an ice cold bottle of water in the fridge and I’m going to try to drink it all tonight–it’s one liter. I should be drinking at least 2 liters of water a day– that would help decrease the snacking. It’s so hard to stay away from food when I work from home!