2011 New Year’s Resolutions
At the end of each year I think about what my New Year’s Resolutions should be for the upcoming year. Most of the time, my resolutions are always the same, Lose Weight and Get Out of Debt. And every year, I wonder if this is going to be the year. Well, this year there are some things are going to be different that will help me totally accomplish my first goal and mostly complete my second.
Me and my family have committed to running in the Flying Pig Marathon next year on May 1, 2011. While I’ve only done 5Ks, I’m hoping to train for either the 10k or the half-marathon. According to their website, I have about 125 days left to train until the marathon hits. I’m tracking my weight with my friend Michelle, who also wants to lose weight and tone up.
The Get Out of Debt part of the resolution is much harder to finish. I will be a lot less out of debt by the time the year is over, especially because my car will be paid off. I would like to get a new car, but probably won’t until 2012.