Guest Post by Frank Anderson
Readers regularly go to and bookmark blogs that consistently deliver fresh content. So, the conclusion is pretty simple: Blogs that provide quality content on a consistent basis are most likely to enjoy the greatest success.
But, consistently providing fresh, informative content is probably one of the biggest challenges you as a blogger will face, especially if you publish posts daily or even several times a week. Keeping your readers interested and your content current are both possible if you’re willing to put in the work.
Invite guest bloggers
Sometimes bloggers get burned out. It’s natural with writers. Give yourself a break and liven up your
blog from time-to-time with guest bloggers. Finding guest bloggers generally isn’t difficult. Perhaps you follow or know a fellow blogger who would appeal to your readers and who would be willing to write a guest post. Or, you have a client or someone in your industry who can provide a post or two.
Hire a professional writer
For some people, writing is a tedious process that wastes too much time that could be better spent on growing a business or marketing a blog. As a result, some entrepreneurs and bloggers turn to professional ghostwriters or writers to write their posts for them. If you opt to hire a writer, you can provide that writer with ideas or ask that he come up with ideas on his own that you can then approve.
Know what’s going on
Keep on top of what is going on in your industry and in the news if you want to consistently keep your blog full of fresh content. Read news sites, industry blogs, and even fellow bloggers’ posts. A good way to gauge what people are talking about and what they are interested in is to read the comments posted after articles. Those comments can provide a treasure trove of good topics about which to blog.
Recycle content
If you’ve been blogging for long enough, look through your past posts to find gems that you can update and share with your new readers. Recycling can be a great way to revisit a familiar topic and to put a new spin on it with updated information. You might even write more than just blogs. You may have articles or other content that you can rewrite or tailor specifically to your blog.
However, be sure you never recycle someone else’s content, especially without their permission. Many people think it is okay to find a blog post or an article and rewrite it to fit their needs. The truth is that’s still considered plagiarism, so come up with your own ideas, your own spin, and write about that.
Keep a list of ideas
Even when you’re not blogging, you should be looking for ideas for your upcoming posts. Ideas can hit you anywhere, so carry a notepad around or be prepared to jot your ideas into your smart phone. You may also want to turn to your readers for ideas about what to write. Ask them at the end of each post if they have any topics about which they would like you to write. Sometimes the best ideas will come from those who regularly read your blog.
Keeping your blog content fresh is actually pretty easy if you do the legwork. Having a list of ideas and knowing what’s going on are two extremely effective ways of avoiding writer’s block, and your readers are a valuable source of information as well. The key is to consistently work toward keeping your blog fresh and a must-read for your followers.
Frank Anderson is a blogger and technology writer. When not writing he keeps the web alive with
exchange hosting for WebHosting.