By Kelsey Jones
I recently read an article in one of my magazines I subscribe to about this goal-setting women’s group that met once a week. They would bring their goal list, have a scone, and check up on everyone else to make sure they were completing their goals.
The idea of a goal-setting, discussion, or mastermind group work on the same principle—that working with a group of like-minded people to share ideas, get feedback, and provide support can be invaluable to marketers and other working professionals.
LinkedIn has tons of great, active groups to participate in. Many can give you feedback and advice within 24-48 hours, once you post a new discussion. There are groups that cover several different areas that may be of interest to marketers, including groups specific to your local area, Social Media Marketing, SEO, etc.
MeetUp has several different options for meetings, especially if you are located in a larger area. Search by zip code and keyword to see if there are any meetups happening in your area.
Mastermind Groups
Mastermind groups usually cost over $1000 per year and have one or multiple meetings around the country each year. These meetings cover key discussion areas and allow for networking with other mastermind members in person and are often smaller and more specific than groups found on LinkedIn or MeetUp. Be sure to get reviews of a mastermind group before you join it—ask for testimonials or references of actual members to make sure you can get your money’s worth.
Create Your Own!
If you can’t find a marketer mastermind group that you feel would be beneficial, create your own! You can for free on LinkedIn and MeetUp, either with people you already know in your professional network, or as an open group, allowing anyone to join.
Where else do you find valuable marketing discussion groups? Let us know in the comments.