UPDATE: Thanks to this week’s side deal on Groupon, I was able to donate $200 to DonorsChoose.org! The Groupon basically allows you to purchase a gift certificate to DonorsChoose.org for 50% off. I bought a $100 coupon, which is what this campaign has earned, was able to double my money! However, in order for the Groupon to be active, 500 people must purchase gift certificates. So if you’re in the giving mood, join Groupon and make a purchase!
Thank you to everyone for your support!
Back around the holiday season I did a post for ‘Cans for Comments‘ for a local animal shelter. And now that I’ve stumbled about the online charity organization DonorsChoose, I feel like I need to do it again. DonorsChoose.org allows teachers from around the United States to post a list of things they need for a special project or classroom. They include a price list of what is needed and individuals can contribute or “pitch in” to raise enough money to fund the project.
I’ve already donated to a teach that wants to bring Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse 5 to her students, but I want to do more. That’s why, for every comment on The Social Robot between now and May 2010, I will donate $1 to a project on DonorsChoose.
So, as a recap:
Just as with December 2009’s ‘Cans for Comments’, comments can either be on this post or any other post on The Social Robot. Each person can only comment twice and it must be a substantial comment that makes sense and is relevant to the discussion (spam comments won’t count, trackbacks will). For each comment, I will donate $1 to a project on DonorsChoose.
Additionally- I will also donate another 50 cents for every person that tweets or shares this post (or any other TSR post) on Facebook. Please either email me a link to your tweet/fb post (via the contact tab on the left), add it at the end of your blog comment, or include @thesocialrobot in your tweet.
The commenting and sharing period is from April 21, 2010 to May 2010.
Please use the sharing tools to the left and at the bottom of this post to let everyone know about Cash for Comments and DonorsChoose!
Thanks to everyone who will participate and I’ll post an update once the commenting period is over.